Religious Education
In R.E our aim is to develop religious literacy, tolerance and understanding. Pupils learn about different beliefs, values and ways of life. They explore stories, celebrations, worship and rituals in religion, observing similarities and differences. They suggest meanings for religious symbols and use specialist vocabulary to communicate their knowledge and understanding. They reflect on their own and others’ views of religion and what it means to belong to a faith community. They explore Christianity and the other principal religions, especially Hinduism, Judaism and Islam.
R.E. is enriched by visits to places of worship and encountering people from various faiths. We have strong links with St. Brelade’s Parish Church, St Bernadette’s Church and the Synagogue with children visiting these places of worship and representatives visiting classes or taking assemblies. R.E. gives many opportunities for cross-curricular links with subjects such as Art, Music, Drama, IT, Geography, History and Literacy.
Developing skills in R.E.
While knowledge and understanding forms an important part of RE, so too do key skills. RE lessons at La Moye School encourage all pupils to develop the following skills:
- Reflection: Exploring feelings, beliefs and values
- Enquiry and Investigation: Finding out about key beliefs, practices and forms of expression
- Interpretation: Considering how and why religions and belief systems express themselves in different ways
- Communication: Expressing ideas, information, thoughts and feelings clearly
- Analysis and Evaluation: Explaining the strengths and weaknesses of a particular argument
Collective Worship & Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC)
Our collective worship assemblies include spiritual, moral, social, cultural and religious themes and are led by members of staff or visiting speakers. They include beliefs that are ‘broadly Christian’ yet common to other major world faiths include:- God, justice, love, peace, good, bad, greed, poverty, pollution, morality, tolerance, co-operation, selfishness, war, prejudice.
Values we feel are important to our school community include: respect, trust, fairness, understanding, tolerance, appreciation, responsibility, caring, co-operation, patience, peace, honesty, courage, freedom, quality, friendship, humility, happiness, thoughtfulness.
Through themes such as these the spiritual awareness of every individual may be developed. We offer pupils opportunities to explore and share beliefs, to consider the relevance of ideas, beliefs and values to their own lives and to think about the needs of others and what it means to be part of a community. Collective worship offers an opportunity to re-affirm, interpret and put into practice the values of the school. It provides a time to celebrate the various achievements of members of the community that are held to be of worth. A parent has the right to withdraw their child from religious education, acts of worship or assemblies of a religious nature.