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Medical Assessments 

All pupils receive a medical assessment, including height and weight checks and hearing tests, from the School Nurse in their Reception year, together with a vision test by the Orthoptist. Further checks of growth are also carried out in Y6. The School Dental Service, with parental consent, carries out annual checks of the whole school.


We would ask parents to ensure long hair is always tied back and regular scalp checks are made for headlice. This is a community problem and not just a school one. With regular inspection and combing, headlice do not pose a major problem.  Combs are available to buy from local chemists.


We apply a strict Medication Policy following the Education Department guidelines.  This means that we are only allowed to administer medication for long term treatments such as asthma/diabetes etc and prescribed medication such as antibiotics if they are prescribed more than 3 times per day.  This is only allowed after parents have completed a consent form.  It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure the School have up-to-date medication.  Any medication should be brought to and collected from the school office by parents.

Please be aware that we use the playing field, woodland and Les Creux for walks and games and during the Summer months this can be a problem for hay fever sufferers.  If your child is a sufferer, please administer any medication he/she may have for this condition each morning.  

Parents should also be alert to children picking up ticks during the Spring and Summer.     Guidance on how to remove ticks is available here:


If your child is unwell before the school day, please keep them at home. For safeguarding reasons, the School requires a telephone call/email when a child is off school for each day they are absent. In the interests of safeguarding, if no message is left, the School will contact parents/carers directly.  We need to know what symptoms your child has because we have a responsibility to report some infections, and also alert staff, for example, if there is Chicken Pox in school.  If no contact can be made then, the School must inform the Education Welfare Officer who will take further measures to ensure contact. If your child has had diarrhoea or vomiting, they should not be brought back to school until at least 48 hours after they last vomited or had diarrhoea.

First Aiders

Most members of staff are trained in First Aid and every effort will be taken to ensure your child is treated appropriately should they become ill or hurt themselves. We keep an up-to-date medical log of all incidents. If it is felt that further treatment may be necessary, you will be contacted by School.

Any child who bangs their head will automatically have a note to take home informing parents/carers and be contacted by the School so that they can be monitored.

Fire Drills

Fire drills are held at least termly – including drills at lunchtimes. All pupils and staff have to know what to do and where to go in the event of a fire alarm. Our fire procedures and equipment are regularly inspected.

Sign In/Sign Out

All visitors to the School are required to sign in and sign out using our electronic system in the reception area, and are given a visitor badge to identify them as an authorised visitor. This includes parents helping out at School. 

If your child arrives at school after registration, perhaps due to a medical appointment, please use the iPad to sign them in. If you need to collect your children during school hours, please ensure your child is signed out on the iPad. We rely on this in the event of a Fire Alarm.