Our swimming slot will be on Thursday 20th March between 2-00pm and 3-00pm.
I would like to invite pupils from Years 4, Year 5 and Year 6 to put their names forward to participate. I will then place the pupils into teams. Depending on interest, it might be that not all pupils who apply will be able to participate this time round.
There are some factors to consider before deciding whether to put your child forward.
• Your child must be able to confidently swim 50m unaided. By signing up for this event, you are ensuring that they can swim comfortably for at least 50m (any stroke). It is advisable (although not essential) that children should get some practice in between now and the Swimarathon as it is a tiring hour.
• They must be able to repeat this distance, with short rests, for one hour as mentioned.
If you would like your child to participate, please complete the permission slip below and return it to the school office by Thursday 13th February. Each team requires a non-swimming adult captain. If you would like to volunteer to help on the day as a non-swimming captain, please also indicate this on the return slip.
The children selected will be notified and given a sponsorship form once the teams have been submitted. Further information will then follow.
Mr Steigenberger & Mr Scurr